A statement from our Executive Director, Stephanie Pearl:
“We have had several families and the media reach out to us about how we expect the Roe v Wade reversal to impact infant adoption. We do not have any evidence to support an increase or decrease in infant adoptions at this time.
As an agency, we will continue to provide all of the support services we have always offered to women in crisis/unplanned pregnancies: mentoring, counseling, support groups, and an adoption specialist to guide through the process if a woman chooses to make an adoption plan.
We are hopeful that religious, humanitarian groups and individuals will step up to provide resources to women in crisis/unplanned pregnancies. There is a direct correlation between brain development in utero with the stress and trauma the mother is experiencing. These stressors may include homelessness, domestic violence, substance abuse, finances, and lack of support. Our hope is that organizations and individuals that supported the reversal of Roe v Wade will increase efforts to help women in these stressful situations.
What can you do to help? Donate gas cards, Walmart, Target, Fred Meyer gift cards (for food, maternity clothing, formula, etc.), provide safe housing or support your local domestic violence and homeless shelters. We also encourage you to consider being a foster parent or adopting from foster care to children waiting for a family.
Finally, if you know a woman in a crisis or unplanned pregnancy, we are here (no matter what choice she makes). We have counselors and social workers ready and available to help. If you or the groups you are involved in want to partner with us as we continue providing resources and support, please do not hesitate to contact us.”