
Becky Marquez is a foster mom and an adoptive mom who knows first hand what its like to find counselors and/or therapists who are well versed in understanding children and families of adoption.  Attachment issues are a real thing, especially for children who have been adopted from foster-care and international orphanages.  These children are incredibly resilient but come from hard places and may have experienced trauma, neglect or some type of abuse.  Becky is now a counselor and TBRI Practitioner (Trust-based relational intervention) who specializes in areas that are common amongst adoptive children – those who come from hard places, adoptive parents and birth parents.   Recently she found this compelling blog from the Institute of Child Development and wanted to share with each of you.  Visit http://instituteforattachment.ong/open-letter-to-a-therapist-from-a-mom-of-a-child-with-reactive-attachment-disorder/ 

Becky is currently accepting new clients for day-time, evening and after-school appointments.  Call 208-939-3865.