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A New Beginning Adoption Agency

November is National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption month and was established in the year 1995, in an effort to bring awareness to adoption and the need for families to adopt the more than 115,000 adoptable children from foster-care.  Around the nation adoption professionals, adoption agencies, organizations, attorneys, court systems and the adoption community host events throughout the month.

115,000 Children in the United States are waiting for a permanent family

The focus of National Adoption Month is on the 115,000 children who are waiting to be adopted but currently waiting in foster-care.  These children were placed in state care at no fault of their own, but likely due to neglect or abuse (top 2 reasons).  On average, they are 8 years and older, will spend 2-4 years going from foster home to foster home and likely as many different schools while reunification efforts with their biological families are being made.  If the children are still in the system at 18, they “age-out” which means they enter their young adult lives with no family to call their own, state subsidies will likely end, statistics suggest less than 3% will start college and by age of 25 many will have experienced homelessness.  WE CAN MAKE a difference in the lives of these children!  A New Beginning Adoption agency works with states across the nation to find families for waiting children.  If anyone has thought about adopting from the foster-care system, now is the time.  Too many have been waiting for too long.

National  Adoption Month Event at A New Beginning

This year, A New Beginning will be hosting a free open house for the public to learn about the different types of adoption and listen to panels featuring adoptees, adoptive parents and birth parents.

November 5, 2022

Infant Adoption Program Information:  10 a.m. – 12 pm  Our Infant Adoption Team will be providing information about our program and the home study process.  There will also be a panel of adoptive parents and birth mothers.

Adult Adoptee Panel:  12 – 1  There will be a panel of adoptees that were adopted from foster care, as infants, and internationally.

Foster Adopt Program Information:  1 p.m – 3 p.m.  Our Foster Adopt Team will be providing information about our program and the home study process.  There will also be a panel of adoptive parents and adoptees.

Information about this event can be found on our website calendar.

In an effort to help provide adoption awareness to Idaho families that cannot make the open house, A New Beginning Adoption Agency will also be hosting Infant Adoption Information Seminars and Foster-Adopt Information Seminars, both via Zoom. These events are free, but registration is required.

Foster-Adopt Seminars via Zoom

November 8 from 6 – 7:30 p.m.

December 13 from 6 – 7:30 p.m.

Infant Seminars via Zoom

November 1 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

December 6 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Friday, November 18, 2022 is National Adoption Day.  For more event listings in your area, visit nationaladoptionday.org.

If you’d like more information about A New Beginning’s events or to schedule an interview with an adoption professional or adoptive family, birth family or adoptee, please contact Amber Stiles, Communications & Marketing Director at ambers@adoptanewbeginning.org or 208-350-8994.