Connecting with Adult Adopees – Piecing it together
May 20 will be A New Beginning’s first adult adoptee support group and it’s open to any adoptee who wants to connect to others. Magaly Perez, born in Mexico will lead the group and is excited about sharing her story and inviting others to comment, discuss and open up about their own.
The group is a safe space. Adoption is a roller-coaster, you go through a lot of emotions you your life. Sharing your story with a group of people that have gone through and are still going through a difficult time or similar situation can help greatly.
It’s FREE, RSVP to for the Zoom link.
I am an adoptee and this is my story – Magaly Perez
My name is Magaly Perez. I was born in Carapan, Michoacan, Mexico and it was only a few days later when I was placed in the arms of the woman who would end up becoming my mother.
My experience with the adoption process was a lot different than what you see now. Carapan is a small town bordering mahy other towns in Michoacan, Mexico that all suffered a high rate of teen pregnancies. Young women in these towns would often give their children away. At the time, my adopted mother had made it known to one of her colleagues that is was her dream to take a child in need and give them a chance at a better life. And in the fall of 1990, that dream finally came true and my life story began.
That is just the beginning of my story. I would love the share the rest with you! Join us at the meeting!